9-8-8 Fact Sheet

9-8-8 Fact Sheet

Thumbnail of 9-8-8 fact sheet

We are excited to introduce the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Fact Sheet! The 988 Lifeline provides compassionate, accessible care and support for people experiencing mental health-related distress.

The fact sheet is a valuable resource for community-based organizations and schools:

  • Outlining the importance of shifting from a discipline response to a care-and-compassion response for students struggling with stress, depression or suicidal behaviors;
  • Providing information on how 988 can be utilized by anyone experiencing mental health challenges, as well as by third parties concerned about a friend, student or loved one;
  • Offering practical guidance on how schools can implement 988 as part of their suicide prevention and mental health policies and protocols.

Use this fact sheet to raise awareness about the 988 Lifeline! By sharing this resource widely, we can help ensure that individuals in need have access to the support and care they deserve.

Thank you to our partners in this effort: California Black Women’s Health Project, Didi Hirsch, and The California Alliance of Child and Family Services.