TCP Joins Children’s Health Advocates to Celebrate Common-Sense Effort to Keep Children and Families Insured

TCP Joins Children’s Health Advocates to Celebrate Common-Sense Effort to Keep Children and Families Insured

Senate Bill 18, authored by state Senators Mark Leno and Ed Hernandez, by the Assembly Appropriations Committee on Thursday. The bill requires the state to accept private foundation funds and matching federal funds to help children and families maintain their Medi-Cal coverage. “SB 18 will build upon the incredible strides the state has made in providing health coverage to children and families by funding – at no cost to the state – assistance for Medi-Cal recipients to renew their coverage,” said Wendy Lazarus, Founder & Co-President of The Children’s Partnership. “We cannot afford to move backwards by letting children and families fall off the Medi-Cal program.”
