Governor Brown Signs Legislation to Implement the Affordable Care Act, But Vetoes Other Significant Health Bills

Governor Brown Signs Legislation to Implement the Affordable Care Act, But Vetoes Other Significant Health Bills

The California children’s health coverage coalition applauded Governor Jerry Brown for signing several pieces of key legislation that move health care reform forward in California but also expressed disappointment that other key bills affecting children’s health were vetoed. 

“We are deeply concerned that the governor has put the brakes on these two critical elements of the Affordable Care Act. Putting an end to discrimination against those with pre-existing health conditions is a hallmark of health reform, as is protecting the children who are most in need of affordable health insurance. This decision by the governor is not acceptable for California’s children and needs to be remedied,” said Wendy Lazarus, Founder and Co-President of The Children’s Partnership in a joint press release.